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Up Coming Event

Up Coming Event

Whether it be the mysticism surrounding the Bengali language or the glorious history of independence. Whether it be the millions of hard-working farmers sowing the seeds for a greater tomorrow or the creative entrepreneurs who have promoted our industries, Bangladesh has come a long way in its journey from a war-torn nation, to one which has received adulation from all international corners. The story of Bangladesh is indeed captivating to all.

Born at the culmination of a 9-month long liberation struggle against the Pakistani military junta, Bangladesh was formed amidst blood and poverty in 1971. The following 4 decades or so has seen this small, yet highly populous nation, become a symbol of socio-economic development for the world. Bangladesh has grown to be the second largest exporter of Ready-Made-Garments globally, whilst being a hub of innovative businesses. Diplomatically, the country proudly continues to be an active “soft-power”, with our military providing the largest peace-keeping force to the United Nations. Even more interestingly, Bangladesh may very well be one of the only nations’ in the world with a women Prime Minister, a woman Leader of the Opposition and a woman Parliamentary Speaker.

In spite of its strong economic performance, what Bangladesh is truly known for globally, is its captivating culture. A Muslim identity enshrined in the spirt of a secular outlook, combined with the enticingly transcendent Bengali language, makes Bangladesh a forum of a unique cultural enterprise. Literateurs like Rabindranath Tagore and Kazi Nazrul Islam found solitude and inspiration for their works from the paddy fields, the rivers, the serene villages and the ever-smiling people of this country. The tribal communities of Chakma, Marma and others, add immense dynamism to Bangladeshi culture as well.

Bangladesh is one of the fastest growing countries in South Asia, and one can be positively certain that it will meet the challenges of today, and look towards a better tomorrow. The BSA-UTSG could not be prouder to represent a country with such great potential and an ever –growing sense of optimism and hope.

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